[GIT PULL] [Maverick] TI OMAP4 fixing and update

Dechesne, Nicolas n-dechesne at ti.com
Tue Sep 7 07:07:35 UTC 2010


> Nicolas,
> I'm not monitoring linaro-linux-2.6.35. Do you think we need to merge
> some patches into our ti-omap4 branch? or vice versa?

I think we might want to merge some of the linaro work into Ubuntu ARM kernel, and omap4 branch as well. For example I saw a pull request related to oprofile yesterday that we might need. I have not looked into the details of the patches, but given that we are using the same k.org version, and given that both kernel target arm and omap, that would make sense to monitor.


> -Bryan
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 4:37 AM, Dechesne, Nicolas<n-dechesne at ti.com>  wrote:
>> Bryan, Tim,
>> I have a OMAP/Linaro question: are you guys monitoring the linaro kernel and
>> merging what happens in linaro-linux-2.6.35? If you are merging it, are you
>> merging in master and ti-omap4 branch?
>> thx,
>> nicolas
>>> Tim and Lean,
>>> After we upgraded ti-omap4 to 2.6.35 kernel, TI provided some bug fixing
>>> patches, DSS and SYSLINK subsystem updates. This kernel will be tested on
>>> OMAP4
>>> ES2.0 hardware.
>>> Please consider git pull the changes.
>>> The following changes since commit
>>> 1284137312df79732304bda2f99759a85fc13eb6:
>>>    Ricardo Salveti de Araujo (1):
>>>          UBUNTU: [Config] Change CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_HEARTBEAT from module
>>> to built-in
>>> are available in the git repository at:
>>>    git://kernel.ubuntu.com/roc/ubuntu-maverick ti-omap4
>>> Anand Gadiyar (2):
>>>        Fix this build warning when CONFIG_PANEL_PICO_DLP is disabled:
>>>        Fix this compile warning when building with CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_HDMI
>>>    disabled.
>>> Angela Stegmaier (2):
>>>        SYSLINK: ipc- check queue validity in messageq_put
>>>        SYSLINK: ipc - Remove _ON_STACK from recovery completion
>>> declarations
>>> David Anders (5):
>>>        OMAP4: PandaBoard: add board revision reporting
>>>        OMAP4: PandaBoard: EHCI nreset based on board revision
>>>        omap4: pandaboard: code cleanup
>>>        omap4: pandaboard: remove unused includes
>>>        omap: panda: fix build break with DSS/HDMI disabled
>>> David Sin (1):
>>>        TILER: Don't assign mem struct inside kernel list
>>> Fernando Guzman Lugo (1):
>>>        TILER: Fix when get element from empty list
>>> Hari Kanigeri (2):
>>>        omap:iodmm-exclude Tiler buffers from mapped information
>>>        omap:iodmm-allow unconditional cache flush
>>> Hemant Hariyani (1):
>>>        Kernel changes for hwmod and omap_device initialization for GPU.
>>> Mayuresh Janorkar (1):
>>>        Assigning correct address to vma struct
>>> Miguel Vadillo (1):
>>>        SYSLINK:IPU-PM: avoiding down_timeout when failing
>>> Mythri P K (2):
>>>        OMAP4:DSS:HDMI:fix HDMI state in HPD
>>>        OMAP:DSS:HDMI:Patch to dump HDMI registers
>>> Rajendra Nayak (1):
>>>        omap4: Disable auto gating for PER M3 divider
>>> Ricardo Perez Olivares (1):
>>>        OMAP4: file_permissions: Setting to 644 file permissions
>>> Rob Clark (1):
>>>        OMAP4:DSS:HDMI: don't handle DISCONNECT if we've already got a
>>> Sebastien Jan (3):
>>>        SDP4430: fix wlan board config
>>>        Deactivate SW errata related to ES1.0
>>>        Revert "Fix detection loop issue on some monitors"
>>> Suman Anna (1):
>>>        SYSLINK: notify - increase reserved events to 4
>>>   arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-4430sdp.c          |   11 ---
>>>   arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap4panda.c       |  110
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++-----
>>>   arch/arm/mach-omap2/devices.c                |   53 ++++++++++++-
>>>   arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_hwmod_44xx_data.c   |    2 +-
>>>   arch/arm/mach-omap2/pm44xx.c                 |    3 +-
>>>   arch/arm/plat-omap/hdmi_lib.c                |  102
>>> +++++++++++++++++++-----
>>>   arch/arm/plat-omap/include/plat/gpu.h        |   33 ++++++++
>>>   arch/arm/plat-omap/include/plat/hdmi_lib.h   |    5 +
>>>   arch/arm/plat-omap/iodmm.c                   |  107
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>   debian.ti-omap4/config/config.common.ubuntu  |    4 +-
>>>   drivers/dsp/syslink/ipu_pm/ipu_pm.c          |   39 +++++-----
>>>   drivers/dsp/syslink/multicore_ipc/ipc_drv.c  |    4 +-
>>>   drivers/dsp/syslink/multicore_ipc/messageq.c |    5 +
>>>   drivers/dsp/syslink/omap_notify/notify.c     |    2 +-
>>>   drivers/media/video/dmm/tmm_pat.c            |    8 +-
>>>   drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c               |   85 ++++++++++++--------
>>>   drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.h               |    5 -
>>>   drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c     |    2 +-
>>>   18 files changed, 441 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
>>>   create mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/include/plat/gpu.h
>>>   mode change 100755 =>    100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c

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