[Maverick SRU][master][ti-omap4]: [PATCH] smsc95xx: generate random MAC address once, not every ifup

Ricardo Salveti rsalveti at rsalveti.net
Wed Nov 17 02:15:34 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Tim Gardner <tim.gardner at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 11/11/2010 07:24 AM, Ricardo Salveti de Araujo wrote:
>> SRU Justification:
>> Impact: The smsc95xx driver generates a new random MAC address on every
>> ifdown/up instead of only one during driver's init, and doesn't let the
>> user to
>> set up the mac address using known methods like ifconfig usb0 hw
>> ether<mac>.
>> Fix: Just move the init_mac_address function to bind instead of reset.
>> Testcase: The interface should keep the same generated mac address even
>> when
>> giving ifdown/up, and the user should be able to set up the mac address
>> using
>> 'ifconfig usb0 hw ether<mac>.
>> Patch is already upstream as f4e8ab7, and is tested already with a
>> compiled
>> kernel deb with the fix included.
> applied, packaged, and uploaded

Did you also apply it at the master branch? You closed the xM bug as a
duplicate of the Omap 4 one, but I don't see this commit at the master
branch yet.

Ricardo Salveti de Araujo

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