[PATCH] Add support for Marvell 8431 to 2.6.31 series
Sebastian Spaeth
Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Thu Mar 11 08:24:53 UTC 2010
New netbooks (eg. the Hewlett Packard 5102) have a Marvell ethernet card
(0x11AB:0x8431). Support for this card went into 2.6.33 (in the sky2
driver), but not yet in 2.6.31. The upstreamed patches to support it has
been taken into the Suse 2.6.31 kernel and work fine there.
Given that the 2.6.31 kernel is going to be used for quite some time, it
would be great to also support this device and take the Suse patch
(which is really just 4 kernel upstream patches).
The patches are here:
I filed a bug
and attached the patches there as well. I also attach the upstream git
patches to this email. WOuld adding that be difficult/controversial? It
is in upstream, I can use it in my Suse Enterprise 11, and opensuse, but
not in Ubuntu.... (yet)
Thanks for consideration,
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