[Maverick] switch to new firewire stack.

Pete Graner pgraner at canonical.com
Thu Jun 17 16:54:47 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 12:45 -0500, Manoj Iyer wrote:
> I tested the following patch by mounting an old mac as an HDD over 
> firewire using the latest firefire modules in Maverick. Changes look 
> functional, pgraner has said he is going to test a straight out firewire 
> disk and share the results. I have attached the lsmod ouput for reference.

> Cheers
> --- manjo

Ok so nothing is working, I suspect its the actual card being busted, so
I'm swapping one out today and will try again. Stay tuned.

Pete Graner     <pgraner at canonical.com>
Ubuntu Kernel  
Canonical Ltd.  http://www.canonical.com/

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