dm-loop patch dropped?

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at
Fri Feb 5 01:08:15 UTC 2010

Hadmut Danisch wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking for a solution for ubuntu bug #500331. A dmsetup command
> that use to work well in jaunty does not work in karmic
> anymore. Redhat's developers of the dmsetup command told me, that
> these commands depend on the dm-loop patch for the linux kernel, which
> was not yet accepted into the main stream kernel. It seems as if these
> patches had been applied to jaunty kernels (and maybe older ubuntu
> versions), but are not applied to karmic anymore. 
> Has the functionality been dropped intentionally?
> regards
> Hadmut

Yes - dm-loop was removed from Karmic. We've been doing a better job 
lately of remembering why we made config decisions, but dm-loop appears 
to have been deleted (by yours truly) without the decision having been 
documented. I imagine it was because we thought it was unused, bad code, 
not in the upstream kernel, or some combination of the above excuses.

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at

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