CORRECTION:Re: Reminder: Kernel Bug Day Today!

Jeremy Foshee jeremy.foshee at
Tue Dec 7 16:01:31 UTC 2010

On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 09:24:31AM -0500, Jeremy Foshee wrote:
> Folks,
>    This is a gentle reminder that today is the Kernel Bug Day focusing
> on bugs that have patches attached. Our goal is to close out all of the
> old bugs and work through the bugs that are relevant from an SRU or
> development standpoint. One major aspect of this effort will be to
> correctly identify and remove the indicator on those bugs that do not
> have valid patches.
It seems I incorrectly identified this for bugs with patches (one of my
work items for today)

The correct focus should be the bugs tagged regression-update as
identified in my previous e-mail on the subject as well as the bug day
page on the wiki.

Apologies for any confusion. :-)

> I'll be available in #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-kernel on the Freenode IRC
> server if there are any questions. :-)
> Thanks!
> ~JFo

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