loop device

Eugene Gorodinsky e.gorodinsky at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 18:37:01 UTC 2009

Don't you have to run losetup at some point during boot anyway to be
able to mount loop devices?

2009/9/7 Scott James Remnant <scott at canonical.com>:
> On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 05:57 -0400, Pete Graner wrote:
>> Eugene Gorodinsky wrote:
>> > Sorry, I meant nobody had stated the reasons for compiling the loop
>> > device into the kernel. Or was that the reason to compile it in rather
>> > than the reason to not compile it in?
>> It was done primarily as an effort to link in all common modules across
>> all kernels. It was perhaps an oversight since increasing loop devs is a
>> real need.
> Untrue.
> It's compiled in because we have no method for on-demand loading of this
> module.  If you don't compile it in, loop devices will fail to mount
> unless you run "modprobe loop" somewhere.
> I don't see any reason why this module cannot expose its configuration
> parameter in /sys to be adjustable at run time.  Better still, source
> the LKML patches to make loop devices simply dynamic (so we don't always
> have a fixed number).
> Scott
> --
> Scott James Remnant
> scott at canonical.com

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