Jaunty stable update

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Mon May 4 13:11:35 UTC 2009

Stefan Bader wrote:
> Tim Gardner wrote:
>> Stefan - I applied and pushed to Jaunty in pursuit of LP
>> #330824. See
>> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/330824/comments/139
>> for details.
>> rtg
> Hm, you know Jaunty is in SRU mode, do you? ;-) Where is the the
> - launchpad bug for it

Oops, I've been working on non-SRU kernels and just plain forgot: LP

> - kernel-team mail and your two acks? I scanned over all and there
>   are some scsi updates that are a bit harder to judge. One cryptofs patch
>   I also have to look at close. Maybe someone else can look over the set.
>   ACK from my side with a note we probably should get some fs/storage
> sanity
>   testing done with those patches applied.
> - As a nicety to my laziness it would be nice to have the Bug (or BugLink)
>   lines in the patches, but ok, there is cut&paste. :)

You've actually amended the commit messages for each stable update to
include the LP bug number?

> - Were you able to take all patches? IMO, there should be at least one that
>   was already applied through a bug report...

All of the patches applied cleanly after 'Revert "UBUNTU: SAUCE: md:
wait for possible pending deletes after stopping an array"'

> Stefan

If you're not happy with this, then feel free to reset HEAD back to
Ubuntu-2.6.28-12.43 and start over. The patch that I thought would fix
the ext4 issue didn't, so I've gotta keep digging.

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com

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