BugLink parsing

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Fri May 1 13:45:17 UTC 2009

Andy and Brad,

I'm really liking the kernel patches that I've seen lately that have a
BugLink field, and I've been thinking that we should adopt the use of
'BugLink:' and stop using 'Bug:' in our templates altogether. However, I
need some changes made to scripts/misc/git-ubuntu-log in the various git
repos, so since you're both my resident perl experts, I'd like one of
you to make the following changes:

1) Add support for parsing the bug number from a BugLink and place it in
the changelog entry in a form that the Launchpad upload bot understands
(i.e., '- LP: #NNNN') such that we can get automatic changelog goodness
in each referenced bug.

2) Modify all of the commit templates in all of the repos such that
BugLink is preferred. Perhaps even delete the 'Bug:' field from the
template altogether.

I think there are a couple of good reasons for doing this.

1) I'm a lazy typist. I find it quite convenient to simply click on the
Buglink URL and be presented with the bug page.

2) The 'Bug:' field implies a certain context, which is useless when
pushing our patches upstream. Rather then having to cleanse patches of
irrelevant information, lets put it in the commit in an interesting and
useful form to begin with. I suspect, given the feedback that Amit has
already received from Andrew Morton, that the 'Bug:' field will not be
well received in general.

3) Finally, if we start developing for the upstream kernel (as we will
if I get my way), we can take advantage of BugLink goodness
automatically as our upstream patches show up in stable and other places.


Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com

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