[PATCH 70/133] [Jaunty SRU] ARM.imx51 Ubuntu: Add pmic_battery.h include file.

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Thu Jul 9 16:49:00 UTC 2009

This file is required for Freescale:ENGR00101496. Previously it
was not needed for imx51.

Signed-off-by: Brad Figg <brad.figg at canonical.com>
 include/linux/pmic_battery.h |  419 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 419 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/linux/pmic_battery.h

diff --git a/include/linux/pmic_battery.h b/include/linux/pmic_battery.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b32136d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/pmic_battery.h
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ * Copyright 2004-2009 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+ * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License.  You may obtain a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License Version 2.1 or later at the following locations:
+ *
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html
+ * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
+ */
+ * @defgroup PMIC_BATTERY PMIC Battery Driver
+ * @ingroup PMIC_DRVRS
+ */
+ * @file arch-mxc/pmic_battery.h
+ * @brief This is the header of PMIC Battery driver.
+ *
+ * @ingroup PMIC_BATTERY
+ */
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#include <linux/pmic_status.h>
+#include <linux/pmic_external.h>
+ * @name IOCTL user space interface
+ */
+/*! @{ */
+ * Enable and disable charger.
+ * Argument type: pointer to t_charger_setting
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_CHARGER_CONTROL              _IOW('p', 0xc0, int)
+ * Set charger configuration.
+ * Argument type: pointer to t_charger_setting
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_SET_CHARGER                  _IOW('p', 0xc1, int)
+ * Get charger configuration.
+ * Argument type: pointer to t_charger_setting
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_GET_CHARGER                  _IOR('p', 0xc2, int)
+ * Get charger current.
+ * Argument type: pointer to t_charger_setting
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_GET_CHARGER_CURRENT          _IOR('p', 0xc3, int)
+ * Set EOL control
+ * Argument type: pointer to t_eol_setting
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_EOL_CONTROL                   _IOW('p', 0xc4, int)
+ * Enable and disable charging LED.
+ * Argument type: bool
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_LED_CONTROL                   _IOW('p', 0xc5, int)
+ * Enable and disable reverse supply.
+ * Argument type: bool
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_REV_SUPP_CONTROL              _IOW('p', 0xc6, int)
+ * Enable and disable unregulated charging mode.
+ * Argument type: bool
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_UNREG_CONTROL                 _IOW('p', 0xc7, int)
+ * Set the output controls.
+ * Argument type: t_control
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_SET_OUT_CONTROL                _IOW('p', 0xc8, int)
+ * Set the over voltage threshold.
+ * Argument type: int
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_SET_THRESHOLD	                 _IOW('p', 0xc9, int)
+ * Get the charger voltage.
+ * Argument type: int
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_GET_CHARGER_VOLTAGE		_IOR('p', 0xca, int)
+ * Get the battery voltage.
+ * Argument type: int
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_GET_BATTERY_VOLTAGE		_IOR('p', 0xcb, int)
+ * Get the battery current.
+ * Argument type: int
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_GET_BATTERY_CURRENT		_IOR('p', 0xcc, int)
+ * Get the charger sensor.
+ * Argument type: int
+ */
+#define PMIC_BATT_GET_CHARGER_SENSOR		_IOR('p', 0xcd, int)
+ * Get the battery temperature.
+ * Argument type: int
+ */
+/*! @} */
+ * This enumeration defines battery chargers.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+	BATT_MAIN_CHGR = 0,	/*!< Main battery charger */
+	BATT_CELL_CHGR,		/*!< Cell battery charger */
+	BATT_TRCKLE_CHGR	/*!< Trickle charger (only available on mc13783) */
+} t_batt_charger;
+ * This enumeration defines the bp threshold.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+	BATT_BP_0 = 0,		/*!< LOBATL UVDET + 0.2 */
+	BATT_BP_1,		/*!< LOBATL UVDET + 0.3 */
+	BATT_BP_2,		/*!< LOBATL UVDET + 0.4 */
+	BATT_BP_3		/*!< LOBATL UVDET + 0.5 */
+} t_bp_threshold;
+ * This enumeration of all types of output controls
+ */
+typedef enum {
+	/*!
+	 * controlled hardware
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * BPFET is driven low, BATTFET is driven high
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * BPFET is driven high, BATTFET is driven low
+	 */
+} t_control;
+ * This enumeration define all battery interrupt
+ */
+typedef enum {
+	/*!
+	 * Charge detection interrupt
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * Charge over voltage detection it
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * Charge path reverse current it
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * Charge path short circuitin revers supply mode it
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * Charger has switched its mode (CC to CV or CV to CC)
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * Charge current has dropped below its threshold
+	 */
+} t_batt_event;
+ * This structure is used for the following battery changer control
+ * IOCTLs:
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	/*!
+	 * Charger
+	 */
+	t_batt_charger chgr;
+	/*!
+	 * Turn on charger
+	 */
+	bool on;
+	/*!
+	 * Charging voltage
+	 */
+	unsigned char c_voltage;
+	/*!
+	 * Charging current
+	 */
+	unsigned char c_current;
+} t_charger_setting;
+ * This structure is used for EOL setting IOCTL PMIC_BATT_EOL_CONTROL
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	/*!
+	 * Enable EOL comparator
+	 */
+	bool enable;
+	/*!
+	 * c_voltage threshold - Used on SC55112
+	 */
+	unsigned char threshold;
+	/*!
+	 * bp threshold - Used on mc13783
+	 */
+	t_bp_threshold typical;
+} t_eol_setting;
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+/*START: for 3ds hw event*/
+ * Battery event type enum
+ */
+enum {
+} t_bat_event;
+/*END: for 3ds hw event*/
+ * This function is used to start charging a battery. For different charger,
+ * different c_voltage and current range are supported. \n
+ *
+ *
+ * @param      chgr        Charger as defined in \b t_batt_charger.
+ * @param      c_voltage     Charging voltage.
+ * @param      c_current     Charging current.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_enable_charger(t_batt_charger chgr,
+				     unsigned char c_voltage,
+				     unsigned char c_current);
+ * This function turns off a charger.
+ *
+ * @param      chgr        Charger as defined in \b t_batt_charger.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_disable_charger(t_batt_charger chgr);
+ * This function is used to change the charger setting.
+ *
+ * @param      chgr        Charger as defined in \b t_batt_charger.
+ * @param      c_voltage   Charging voltage.
+ * @param      c_current   Charging current.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_set_charger(t_batt_charger chgr,
+				  unsigned char c_voltage,
+				  unsigned char c_current);
+ * This function is used to retrieve the charger setting.
+ *
+ * @param      chgr        Charger as defined in \b t_batt_charger.
+ * @param      c_voltage   Output parameter for charging c_voltage setting.
+ * @param      c_current   Output parameter for charging current setting.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_get_charger_setting(t_batt_charger chgr,
+					  unsigned char *c_voltage,
+					  unsigned char *c_current);
+ * This function is retrieves the main battery charging current.
+ *
+ * @param      c_current     Output parameter for charging current setting.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_get_charge_current(unsigned short *c_current);
+ * This function enables End-of-Life comparator.
+ *
+ * @param      threshold  End-of-Life threshold.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_enable_eol(unsigned char threshold);
+ * This function enables End-of-Life comparator.
+ *
+ * @param      typical  Falling Edge Threshold threshold.
+ *                      @verbatim
+                        BPDET   UVDET   LOBATL
+                        ____    _____   ___________
+                        0       2.6     UVDET + 0.2
+                        1       2.6     UVDET + 0.3
+                        2       2.6     UVDET + 0.4
+                        3       2.6     UVDET + 0.5
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_bp_enable_eol(t_bp_threshold typical);
+ * This function disables End-of-Life comparator.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_disable_eol(void);
+ * This function sets the output controls.
+ * It sets the FETOVRD and FETCTRL bits of mc13783
+ *
+ * @param        control        type of control.
+ *
+ * @return       This function returns 0 if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_set_out_control(t_control control);
+ * This function sets over voltage threshold.
+ *
+ * @param        threshold      value of over voltage threshold.
+ *
+ * @return       This function returns 0 if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_set_threshold(int threshold);
+ * This function controls charge LED.
+ *
+ * @param      on   If on is true, LED will be turned on,
+ *                  or otherwise, LED will be turned off.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_led_control(bool on);
+ * This function sets reverse supply mode.
+ *
+ * @param      enable     If enable is true, reverse supply mode is enable,
+ *                        or otherwise, reverse supply mode is disabled.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_set_reverse_supply(bool enable);
+ * This function sets unregulated charging mode on main battery.
+ *
+ * @param      enable     If enable is true, unregulated charging mode is
+ *                        enable, or otherwise, disabled.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_set_unregulated(bool enable);
+ * This function sets a 5K pull down at CHRGRAW.
+ * To be used in the dual path charging configuration.
+ *
+ * @param      enable     If enable is true, 5k pull down is
+ *                        enable, or otherwise, disabled.
+ *
+ * @return     This function returns PMIC_SUCCESS if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_set_5k_pull(bool enable);
+ * This function is used to subscribe on battery event IT.
+ *
+ * @param        event          type of event.
+ * @param        callback       event callback function.
+ *
+ * @return       This function returns 0 if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_event_subscribe(t_batt_event event, void *callback);
+ * This function is used to un subscribe on battery event IT.
+ *
+ * @param        event          type of event.
+ * @param        callback       event callback function.
+ *
+ * @return       This function returns 0 if successful.
+ */
+PMIC_STATUS pmic_batt_event_unsubscribe(t_batt_event event, void *callback);
+#endif				/* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif				/* __ASM_ARCH_MXC_PMIC_BATTERY_H__ */

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