SRU LP #269123 stkwebcam kernel-module doesn't support all the webcams supported previously with stk11

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at
Thu Jan 15 19:13:54 UTC 2009

Stefan Bader wrote:
> Not sure we have a good doc there. Basically the mechanics are similar to the 
> ubuntu dir. There is a separate git intrepid-lbm.git. You place the new driver 
> into the updates dir there update Makefile to descend into that dir 
> (configurable) and then turn on the configs in the debian/config dir.
> In the past it was usually done in two steps: first add the driver and Maefile 
> change and in a second checkin turn on the configs.
> Stefan

Once Jim has it added to LBM, I guess we're gonna have to whack on the
packaging so that multiple binary debs are produced, one for each major
backported subsystem. I'm pretty sure folks won't be interested in
installing compat-wireless just to pick up a video cam driver. We sort
of need to do this anyway if we ever backport ALSA to Intrepid.

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at

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