Virtual tree and NFS4 Client Capability

Tim Gardner tcanonical at
Mon Jan 12 14:26:55 UTC 2009

Zack Gilburd wrote:
> Greetings,
> Currently the -virtual tree does not have the necessary config options 
> to allow NFS4 client mounts.  There is a rather long-standing bug in 
> Launchpad (Opened in April 2008) regarding this issue: 
> <>.
> It is worth noting that the latest (2.6.24-23 at the moment of 
> composition) kernel configuration has CONFIG_NFSD_V4=y but CONFIG_NFS_V4 
> is not set.
> I am merely curious whether this is going to be fixed or not.  It would 
> be nice to have NFS4 support 'out of the box' for JeOS.
> Best regards,
> Zack

The kernel team didn't see this one because it wasn't assigned to the
correct package. Now in progress...

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at

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