[RFC] Ability to link launchpad bugs to the hardware database

Martin Albisetti martin.albisetti at canonical.com
Thu Feb 19 15:17:59 UTC 2009

Tim Gardner wrote:
> While I understand (and appreciate) the work Tom, Abel and Martin have
> been doing on the hardware database, I have no idea what you mean when
> you say "plug into this work". Are there new LP options for attaching HW
> descriptions to bug reports? Leann certainly needs to be aware of this
> work since she is the kernel team LP wizard.

I think he means "talk to us to make sure your use cases are addressed".
Quick overview of what we want to do with this feature is:
- Introduce a flag for bugs which says they are "hardware bugs"
- For the bugs with that flag, when a user clicks "me too", we ask them if their HW profile is related to it
- For all the collected HW profiles, we will show what the common devices among them are

That's our rough first draft of the feature.
How does that sound?


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