[RFC] Ability to link launchpad bugs to the hardware database

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Thu Feb 19 15:13:50 UTC 2009

Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 10:08:16AM -0800, Tim Gardner wrote:
>>> What if . . . we could link a bug to one or more specific hardware
>>> entities in the hardware database? That would make it trivially easy to
>>> search for all bugs that relate to a particular piece of hardware,
>>> instead of searching for the PCI or USB identifier and hoping it's in
>>> the bug.
> [...]
>> This was actually one of the features we (the kernel team) requested
>> during the last UDS cycle. I've heard second or third hand that
>> _something_ is going on with this feature, but I'm not sure of the
>> details. Christian Reis (kiko) is likely a good person to ask.
> Just as an FYI, Tom Berger, Abel and Martin A. are all working on this
> and that right now is the time to plug into this work and ensure you are
> getting what you want :-).

While I understand (and appreciate) the work Tom, Abel and Martin have
been doing on the hardware database, I have no idea what you mean when
you say "plug into this work". Are there new LP options for attaching HW
descriptions to bug reports? Leann certainly needs to be aware of this
work since she is the kernel team LP wizard.

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com

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