Beta approaching, and upload today

Ben Collins ben.collins at
Tue Sep 18 13:13:31 UTC 2007

We have beta freeze approaching on Thu. A good pat on the back is
deserved for everyone who has worked on this kernel release so far. This
has been one of the smoothest (no big bumps) kernel releases we've had.

But now comes the hard part. Between now and actual beta release on the
27th, we need to be reviewing and addressing bug reports marked for the
beta milestone. Anything that needs to be fixed by then needs to go into
the kernel ASAP. Anything we cannot or wont fix needs to be milestoned
for later, or marked as wont-fix.

As of now, nothing goes into the kernel (this includes lum/lrm) without
proper discussion and history. This means it needs one of the following:

- Valid and triaged bug number, milestoned for beta (or later for RC)
- CVE for security issues
- URL to kernel-team thread for OOB patches (this is not preferred). In 
  this case, a two-person sign-off (core-kernel-dev) is also required.
  The commiter counts as one.

These things must be referenced in the changelog entry. For linux-source
and lum, this is mostly automatic. Lrm must be done by hand in the

We may know the reason for the commits without this, but this is for the
archive/release managers to approve our uploads. Otherwise they have to
stop, ask us, and we have to explain it in real-time or point them to
the URL/bug/CVE that should have already been listed.

Starting from the beta freeze, I wont be able to help much with this
effort, so I'll be relying on the core-kernel-devs and community to get
this done. I'll be working on gutsy+1 planning, UDS kernel topics and
agenda and some other things.

Ubuntu   :

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