Triage of 2.6.22 bugs

Brian Murray brian at
Wed Sep 5 19:54:46 UTC 2007

On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 01:38:39PM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 17:05 +0200, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > According to 
> > 
> > (and we 
> > are now at ~350 open bugs on the 2.6.22 kernel. The ones that concern me 
> > here are the ~110 in the New state and generally the ~180 bugs with 
> > Undecided priority. Some of these have not had a reply and some have 
> > simply not been prioritised or set to 'Needs Info' (or whatever is 
> > appropriate).
> > 
> > When we spoke in London 2.6.22 was looking good; there were about 50 
> > open bugs and they were generally in a well-triaged state. Now we are 
> > approaching the point where the list seems to be getting a bit out of 
> > control.
> Just to add to this, with the freeze in place, the kernel team itself is
> shifting focus to deal with these bug reports. That doesn't mean we
> don't still need help, as our time is better spent fixing well triaged
> bugs.
> Also, Heno, I'd like to get the kernel team involved in bug days again.
> Where can I look to see what the bug day schedule looks like?

We could add kernel bugs to the list of bugs to tackle for the next bug day 
on September 12th.  As it currently stands there are 129 "New" bugs
about the 2.6.22 kernel.  Is there a particular area of the kernel that
we could focus on for the 12th?

Brian Murray                                       
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