Kernel debugging meta packages

Pär Andersson paran at
Fri May 18 21:28:46 UTC 2007

Hello kernel team.

A while ago I submitted bug 92553, "No kernel debug image meta packages".

I have realized that this is probably a feature request and not a bug, so I am 
posting this here instead to see what you think.

The problem with the current situation is that applications like systemtap and 
OProfile breaks after every kernel upgrade as the linux-image-debug-* package 
for the new kernel is not installed automatically. I think this could be 
solved by adding a few more meta packages to linux-meta. For example 
linux-image-debug-generic would depend on 

Maybe the "Provides: linux-debug" could also be moved from linux-image-debug-* 
to the meta packages and then used by packages requiring the kernel debug 
image. Right now a package depending on linux-debug would still break on 
upgrades as that dependency would still be provided by the old kernel 

Pär Andersson
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