[PATCH] Fix NetworkManager/wpa_supplicant race condition

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Wed Apr 18 16:40:03 UTC 2007

This patch fixes an assumption made by wpa_supplicant. Any time
wpa_supplicant requests to set an ESSID (e.g., associate), it expects an
event notifying that association has completed. If the Networkmanager
has already setup an association, such as for an open auth AP, then the
request to associate by wpa_supplicant will be ignored.

If Networkmanager is requested to restart the connection, such as by
clicking on the SSID, then wpa_supplicant is allowed to build the
association from scratch, which always works.


By always emitting this event, am I causing any unintended side effects?

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at ubuntu.com
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