list of kernel patches?

Ben Collins ben.collins at
Wed Dec 27 14:40:57 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-12-27 at 01:02 -0500, David Abrahams wrote:
> Hi,
> >From diffing the edgy kernel source with a vanilla, there
> appear to have been quite a few patches made by the ubuntu developers.
> Many seem to be changes that have been rolled into later kernels, but
> a few look like they're unofficial or not-yet-released kernel code.  I
> need to run a later kernel for various reasons, and would like to know
> what patches ubuntu is using that *aren't* present in, so I
> can decide if I want to apply them myself.  Is there any way to find
> out?  Not being versed in the mysterious ways of the kernel source, I
> would ideally like to have an English description of the changes.  Is
> there a way?

If you need a later kernel, then maybe just try the 2.6.20-rc2 based
kernels in feisty.

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