Fwd: A new SRU cycle started...

Stefan Bader stefan.bader at canonical.com
Thu Jan 24 17:21:43 UTC 2019

Forwarding manually as it seems this may have been lost...

PLEASE NOTE, that since the release week of 18.04.2 would be the
same as kernel preperation week for the next cycle we might need
to delay the start of next cycle by a week on short notice.

cycle: 14-Jan through 03-Feb
         11-Jan   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle.
14-Jan - 18-Jan   Kernel prep week.
21-Jan - 01-Feb   Bug verification & Regression testing.
         28-Jan   Release 18.04.2 kernels to -updates
         04-Feb   Release remaining kernels to -updates

Kernel Versions
    linux:               4.18.0-14.15
    linux:               4.15.0-44.47
    linux-hwe:           4.18.0-14.15~18.04.1
    linux-hwe-edge:      4.18.0-14.15~18.04.1
    linux:               4.4.0-142.168
    linux-aws-hwe:       4.15.0-1032.34~16.04.1
    linux-hwe:           4.15.0-44.47~16.04.1
    linux-hwe-edge:      4.15.0-44.47~16.04.1
    linux:               3.13.0-165.215
    linux-lts-xenial:    4.4.0-142.168~14.04.1

cycle: 04-Feb through 24-Feb
         30-Jan   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle.
04-Feb - 08-Feb   Kernel prep week.
11-Feb - 22-Feb   Bug verification & Regression testing.
         25-Feb   Release to -updates.

kernel-team mailing list
kernel-team at lists.ubuntu.com

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