(May 21, 2016) Another Ubuntu Kernel SRU cycle begins...

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Sat May 21 19:43:16 UTC 2016

Note that this cycle is starting one week later than we previously stated.
We had originally started this cycle on time and then encountered an
emergency CVE that we had to deal with. That caused to have have to restart
this cycle one week later.

Current cycle: 13-May through 04-Jun
         13-May   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
16-May - 21-May   Kernel prep week.
22-May - 03-Jun   Bug verification & Regression testing..
         06-Jun   Release to -updates.

Kernel Versions
          trusty  3.13.0-87.132
           vivid  3.19.0-60.67
         precise  3.2.0-103.143
            wily  4.2.0-37.43
          xenial  4.4.0-23.41

linux-lts-trusty  3.13.0-87.132~precise1
linux-lts-utopic  3.16.0-72.93~14.04.1
 linux-lts-vivid  3.19.0-60.67~14.04.1
  linux-lts-wily  4.2.0-37.43~14.04.1
linux-lts-xenial  4.4.0-23.41~14.04.1

Next cycle: 03-Jun through 25-Jun
         03-Jun   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
06-Jun - 11-Jun   Kernel prep week.
12-Jun - 24-Jun   Bug verification & Regression testing..
         27-Jun   Release to -updates.

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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