(February 9 2016) Another Ubuntu Kernel SRU cycle has begun

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Feb 9 18:15:19 UTC 2016

Current cycle: 29-Jan through 20-Feb
         29-Jan   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
31-Jan - 06-Feb   Kernel prep week.
07-Feb - 13-Feb   Bug verification & Regression testing.
14-Feb - 20-Feb   Regression testing & Release to -updates.

Kernel Versions
   precise  3.2.0-99.139
    trusty  3.13.0-78.122
     vivid  3.19.0-50.56
      wily  4.2.0-29.34

lts-trusty  3.13.0-78.122~precise1
lts-utopic  3.16.0-61.81~14.04.1
lts-vivid   3.19.0-50.56~14.04.1
lts-wily    4.2.0-29.34~14.04.1

Next cycle: 19-Feb through 12-Mar
         19-Feb   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
21-Feb - 27-Feb   Kernel prep week.
28-Feb - 05-Mar   Bug verification & Regression testing. 
06-Mar - 12-Mar   Regression testing & Release to -updates.

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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