(30 November 2014) Another Kernel SRU cadence cycle begins...

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Mon Dec 1 06:11:45 UTC 2014

cycle: 21-Nov through 13-Dec
         21-Nov   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
23-Nov - 29-Nov   Kernel prep week.
30-Nov - 13-Dec   Bug verification; Regression testing; Release

Kernel Versions
     lucid  2.6.32-69.136
   precise  3.2.0-73.108
    trusty  3.13.0-41.70
    utopic  3.16.0-26.34

lts-trusty  3.14.0-41.70~precise1
lts-utopic  3.16.0-26.34~14.04.01

This is our best estimate for the following two cycles which will
lead up to the 14.04.2 point release on Feb. 5.

cycle: 12-Dec through 10-Jan
         12-Dec   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
14-Dec - 20-Dec   Kernel prep week.
21-Dec - 10-Jan   Bug verification; Regression testing; Release

cycle: 09-Jan through 31-Jan
         09-Jan   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
11-Jan - 17-Jan   Kernel prep week.
18-Jan - 31-Jan   Bug verification; Regression testing; Release

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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