(4 Apr. 2014) Another Kernel SRU cadence cycle begins...

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Mon Apr 7 14:40:03 UTC 2014

Current cycle: 30-Mar through 26-Apr
         28-Mar   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
30-Mar - 05-Apr   Kernel prep week.
06-Apr - 12-Apr   Bug verification & Regression testing.
         17-Apr   14.04 Released
13-Apr - 26-Apr   Regression testing & Release to -updates.

lucid   - 2.6.32-58.120
precise - 3.2.0-61.92
quantal - 3.5.0-49.73
saucy   - 3.11.0-20.34

lts-quantal - 3.5.0-49.73~precise1
lts-raring  - 3.8.0-39.57~precise1
lts-saucy   - 3.11.0-20.34~precise1

cycle: 27-Apr through 17-May
         25-Apr   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
27-Apr - 03-May   Kernel prep week.
04-May - 10-May   Bug verification & Regression testing.
11-May - 17-May   Regression testing & Release to -updates.

cycle: 18-May through 07-Jun
         16-May   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
18-May - 24-May   Kernel prep week.
25-May - 31-May   Bug verification & Regression testing.
01-Jun - 07-Jun   Regression testing & Release to -updates.

cycle: 08-Jun through 28-Jun
         06-Jun   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
08-Jun - 14-Jun   Kernel prep week.
15-Jun - 21-Jun   Bug verification & Regression testing.
22-Jun - 28-Jun   Regression testing & Release to -updates.

14.04.1 cycle: 29-Jun through 07-Aug
         27-Jun   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
29-Jun - 05-Jul   Kernel prep week.
06-Jul - 12-Jul   Bug verification & Regression testing.
13-Jul - 19-Jul   Regression testing & Release to -updates.
20-Jul - 24-Jul   Release prep
         24-Jul   14.04.1 Release [1]
         07-Aug   12.04.5 Release [2]

[1] This will be the very last kernels for lts-backport-quantal, lts-backport-raring,
    and lts-backport-saucy.

[2] This will be the lts-backport-trusty kernel as the default in the precise point
    release iso.

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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