[Bug 40119] Re: SPARC boot failed: Illegal Instruction

angel angel at telvia.it
Thu Mar 22 10:16:53 UTC 2007

I've had the same problem on a dual processor Sun Ultra 60.
After many attempts I've successfully installed Ubuntu Server 6.10 using only the cdrom image. The solution is extremely simple.

1) Power on the machine and insert the CD
2) Press "Stop A" or if you have a PC keyboard "Pause Break + A" in the time in which the machine is in the "Initializing Memory" phase, causing the interruption of the process
3) On the boot shell type: "boot cdrom" and press Return

After that no errors. In my opinion the "Illegal Instruction" error was
due to the failure in the initrd loading process in a system in which
the memory was almost totally allocated by the machine for other
purposes. Probably by the access to a wrong memory address.

Angelo Ovidi

SPARC boot failed: Illegal Instruction

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