[Bug 33269] Re: root filesystem fails to mount (sata_nv module is loaded)

Starry Steve SteveM at xnet.co.nz
Wed Jun 6 03:01:53 UTC 2007

After opening question #7704 here:
https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/7704 I was told that I
have hit this bug, so here goes.

This concerns Xubuntu v7.04 alternate CD, with linux v2.6.20.

In summary, I have an old Toshiba Satellite 200CDS laptop, with P166
processor with 48Mb memory, a floppy, one 2Gb IDE HD, and a CD-ROM
drive. I created a fresh partition table and partitions on the hard
drive, and after several attempts, and finally by using these kernel
options : acpi=off pci=biosirq ide=nodma idebus=66, I was able to
sucessully install from the Xubuntu v7.04 alternate CD. However, upon
reboot I found that it failed to mount the root filesystem. When I
looked in /dev, there were no /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* devices.

Not sure if this is relevant, but: when I booted from another linux live
CD (DSL) and checked the hard disk, I could see that /dev/hda,
/dev/hda1, etc all existed as they should, but there was no /dev/disks
directory where the uuid links to the partitions are supposed to be. I
reinstalled grub, and that fixed the missing links, but it didn't solve
the main problem of being able to boot from the HD.

- Steve

root filesystem fails to mount (sata_nv module is loaded)
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