[Bug 35474] Re: Dapper - RT61 with wep key doesn't work

Rogério Brito rbrito at ime.usp.br
Mon Jan 29 00:03:31 UTC 2007

Hi, Matt (once again).

On 2007-01-28, at 21:00, Matt Grice wrote:

> On 28/01/07, Rogério Brito <rbrito at ime.usp.br> wrote:
>> Can't you turn off your encryption just for a second, please, to  
>> see if
>> the basic functionality is OK? I would love to know if others can  
>> make
>> it work with the basics, before going further to test the encryption.
> I can, though it will be later on in the week.
> I recompiled my kernel, and the latest official driver from raLink
> with the official firmware, and it's working well with WEP.

Nice to know that, but could you please ellaborate a little please on  
the firmware part, for documentation purposes? I'll try to compile a  
minimal kernel for PowerPC and I will be interested in that (and in  
preparation for the ra*usb* modules too).

I do think that Ben Collins would like to know about this, as I  
imagine that he would like to make things "just work" in a default  
install of future versions of Ubuntu.

> Doesn't like starting up as the PC boots at the moment - I might  
> have to write
> a script to let it settle after initialisation before configuring the
> interface though.

I did this with dapper's driver. I had to put, as a pre-up command,  
the following:

# ip link dev ra0 up

(I don't remember the syntax correctly and I'm not using my own  
computer right now to check it, even though it may be a good idea to  
leave this documented, as others may "fall into the same trap").

> I wonder if it's possible to bump the new driver into Feisty?

I will try this as soon as I have some spare time (see below) and  
report back.

> With the standard Edgy driver and kernel, two interfaces were
> generated for one card - wmaster0 and wlan0 (using the rt61pci kernel
> module). The commands I issued were:
> iwconfig wlan0 essid "MYSSID"    - this worked. ESSID was set but no
> association.


> iwlist wlan0 scan    -  this also worked and spotted my AP.

I think that this shouldn't be needed (under normal circusmstances,  
that is).

> iwconfig wlan0 enc XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - this command completed
> without complaint, though a further iwconfig showed encryption was
> off.


> After that, I took the decision to recompile with the new driver.

Nice. Did you use the module-assistant package or not?

>>> Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.
>> I wouldn't say this about Theoretical Computer Science, which is the,
>> ahem, best field of Computer Science. :-)
> I'm currently doing a Computer Science degree, though it's more
> business and IT strategy than anything else. I have yet to find the
> Science part. :D

Here in Brazil, we have a distinction between Computer Science and  
IT. Computer Science being the thing that "makes everything work" and  
IT being the "business part". I teach for both courses and, having  
lots of students of mine, I see the quite different focus that they  

> I dream of doing theoretical Computer Science... Algorithmics, P=NP?
> Travelling Salesmen, Djikstra, Turing machines... That's what I'm
> talking about :D

I am, obviously, quite biased towards Theoretical Computer Science,  
as Graph Theory and its interactions with Abstract Algebra are my  
main interest.

Thanks for your report, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : rbrito at ime.usp.br : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito
Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de
Homepage on freshmeat:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/

Dapper - RT61 with wep key doesn't work

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