[Bug 24533] Re: [Bug 24533] Re: Fail to boot smp kernel

Ben Collins ben.collins at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 21 12:14:49 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 11:25 +0000, Antonio Ricardo Soares da Silva
Correia wrote:
> Ben,
> what I want is to be able to run the 686 SMP kernel like I manage to do in other dists and, while this issue is not solved, to be at least able to run the 686 non SMP kernel as I used to with Hoary and Breezy. Not only this hasn´t been solved since Hoary but now I even don´t have the possibility to run a 686 kernel because it was widrawn from the repositories and replaced with the SMP version (though not described as so) and that one never worked with my computer.
> I´m using the 386 kernel because I have no other choice but I feel like having a Ferrari with a Fiat 500 engine...

Believe me when I tell you that the performance gain of using a -686
kernel (non-SMP) over the -386 kernel is less than 1%. There is not
enough to even worry about the benefit.

So continue use the -386 kernel, with the comfort that it isn't
degrading your performance as much as you think :)

The whole reason we went with -generic, -386 kernels in Edgy is because
the -686 and -k7 Alt-SMP kernels there didn't improve performance enough
over the -generic version to warrant them either.

Fail to boot smp kernel

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