[Bug 26119] Re: Possible fake host protected area (hpa) detected in ide drive causing SectorIdNotFound

Josep Vicent Sala jvsala at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 23:00:15 UTC 2006

This problem also happens in edgy with a 2.6.17 kernel. I tried
upgrading from Dapper to solve the problem but to no avail. The hard
disk is a Seagate 40GB model. I had this problem before in Debian Sarge
after upgrading from a 2.4 series kernel to a 2.6.15 kernel in Debian.
It seems some kind of kernel issue. I've seen in forums similar issues
with Fedora distros.

As a workaround I enable dma with hdparm after booting and the
performance is good. It only affects the booting process although it is
annoying, it adds quite a bit of time to the booting process, specially
after the kernel starts trying repetitively to access the "phantom"
sector until it disables dma.

Possible fake host protected area (hpa) detected in ide drive causing SectorIdNotFound

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