[Bug 32643] Re: unmounting of removable drives should show a progress dialog

Dietmar Hofer didi156 at gmx.net
Mon May 15 08:06:45 UTC 2006

I must confess: I wasn't aware about how messed up sync works in the actual kernel.
Some days before I was copying something to my USB-stick on SuSE 10, which still mounts sync. I was used to get a data rate of avg. 15 MB/s with this stick on SuSE 9.3. On 10 it's about 40 kB/s. That's not 10, not 100 times slower, but even more! I was not aware of the fact that this went worse with actual kernels while it worked well with olders.

About the scenarios discussed:
I think most users come here because the following happened: They copied something onto their USB-stick, removed this Stick and wanted to access this data on another Computer (I think this is what we mainly use USB-sticks for...) And then they had to recognize that no copied data was there. Now, a user which have previously used Linux or which has some knowledge about how it works under the hood, may be aware of the mount/unmount mechanism. But I think everybody else will or give up or sit there for some extra minutes without knowing what he's doing wrong.
Maybe you should introduce a big info box when a USB-storage-device is mounted the first time, explaining that.

unmounting of removable drives should show a progress dialog

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