[Bug 22238] Re: Use later version of acx

Jacek Wolszczak shutdownrunner at o2.pl
Sun May 14 17:08:08 UTC 2006

I really like the idea of having acx driver in kernel by default, but it
still misses some firmware. It took me some time and effort (I had to
put my cart into a computer with windows) to download firmware from
ftp://ftp.dlink.com/Wireless/dwl520+/Driver/dwl520+_drivers_307.zip and
creating the necessary file tiacx100c0D from RADIO11.BIN(from this
package). I would like to ask the maintainer(s) of kernel package to
include the file in next release.

I forgot to thank you for your wonderful work:)

Use later version of acx

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