[Bug 44246] Re: racoon-0.6.5-4ubuntu1 fails to configure

William Hood william_a_hood at comcast.net
Fri May 12 17:24:56 UTC 2006

Here is the output for me running the commands above as root...

bill at Big-Mac:~$ sudo -s -H
root at Big-Mac:/home/bill# uname -a
Linux Big-Mac 2.6.15-22-powerpc #1 Sun May 7 15:47:39 UTC 2006 ppc GNU/Linux
root at Big-Mac:/home/bill# modprobe crc32c
root at Big-Mac:/home/bill# modprobe ipcomp6
root at Big-Mac:/home/bill#

racoon-0.6.5-4ubuntu1 fails to configure

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