[Bug 52679] Re: [Bug 52679] Re: Linux upgrade doesn't update symlinks used by yaboot

Brian Campbell bacam at z273.org.uk
Tue Jul 11 21:41:18 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 08:08:54PM -0000, Ben Collins wrote:
> Yeah, link_in_boot should be yes for your purposed. Perhaps something
> else changed it on your system without your knowledge, but nothing in
> dapper should have done that.

What writes the initial /etc/kernel-img.conf?  It doesn't appear to be
owned by any package, and the copy on the dapper powerpc live CD I have
is the same as the installed one.

I can't think of anything installed that would alter it.

Linux upgrade doesn't update symlinks used by yaboot

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