[Bug 14394] cdrecord/k3b/nautilus problem

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Fri Feb 3 09:48:06 UTC 2006

Public bug report changed:


> It's possible hal is reacting to a bug in the kernel. One possibility
> is that it is getting incorrect information about the state of the
> drive during key points where you are seeing errors.
> I don't know enough about hal to suggest how to find the problem
> though.

I suspect it's a kernel problem, but one that's easier to debug from the
user-space side, i.e. knowing what system calls are made, when, and why.
I suggest the bug's re-assigned to Gnome, hal, or cdrecord for their
input.  They'll probably know fairly quickly what's being attempted and
will know where they think the fault lies.



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