[Bug 38822] Re: [Bug 38822] Re: Volume key controls "Phone Out" NOT Volume.

Trae McCombs traemccombs at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 14:21:37 UTC 2006

On 4/11/06, Paul Sladen <ubuntu at paul.sladen.org> wrote:
> Hello Trae,

Howdy Paul!

Oh, our support is better than that.  It's a BUG if they don't work out of
> the box as soon as you plug it in.

Nifty to know...

In this case, the WWW key should send the correct code to automatically open
> a web-browser anyway (but you are of course free to remap that).

Yeah, it doesn't seem to open a browser, unless I've never tried it with a
browser not open.  (meaning it's not opening a new window ala: -new)

In the case of the volume keys, they are working aswell and send the correct
> key-codes;  however in the kernel/ALSA (the sound drivers) the main mixer
> channels are getting mis-detected.  These are wired differently on each
> laptop and need work arounds;  can you paste the dmi output shown on the
> bottom of:
>   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch

october at flight6:~$ sudo dmidecode -s system-manufacturer
october at flight6:~$ sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
october at flight6:~$ sudo dmidecode -s system-version
october at flight6:~$


Only thing is, this is a desktop, not a laptop. :)  I have recently bought a
Microsoft keyboard:

>From the back of the keyboard
Microsoft Wireless Comfort Keyboard: 1.0A
Model: 1027

>From the box it came in
Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000
* High Definition Laser technology
* Magnifier
* 5 Customizable Mouse buttons
* Comfort Curve Keyboard Design (it is comfy! :)

Is there anything else I should do?  Also, it'd be neat to be able to
program these buttons for things, that is for sure.  Not sure I need the
zoom to magnify, but what would be cool is to have the zoom thing work as a
scroll button allowing you to scroll up and down in a browser or any window.

Thanks in advance!
    Trae McCombs || http://occy.net/
  Founder - Themes.org // Linux.com
  CivicSpaceLabs - http://civicspacelabs.org/

[alsa] volume keys move "Phone Out" instead of main mixer Volume.

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