[Bug 35993] Re: [Bug 35993] Re: hang on an IBM NetVista PC

Jerome Lacoste jerome.lacoste at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 15:41:23 UTC 2006

On 4/3/06, telepathetic <michael.prior at gmail.com> wrote:
> i've finally found someone else who has felt my pain!!  If you ever figure this out please please please post it to the forum link below.  I have EXACTLY the same problem and also have a NetVista.  I've had the problem on Breezy as well as the latest Dapper.  Here's a link to the thread i've got going on the ubuntu forums-- still no fix in sight yet :(
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152371&highlight=telepathetic

Haven't started investigating it but I will have to fix it within the week.

Some of the things I am going to try:
- connect to the box using ssh after or before touching the keyboard
(is it still responsive?)
- change power management options
- compile my own kernel (i.e. without any ubuntu patches)

hang on an IBM NetVista PC

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