<font><font face="georgia,serif"><b>Sorry , I had to change the URL after I had given it to Jorge due to a bug in brew that did not like a hyphen in the name, anyhow these are still very raw but are functional.<br><br>Any feedback patches, pull requests, etc etc. is very welcomed. And I'm hoping I'll have the time to add the other charm tools as well as put some polish on these packages over the next few days so be sure and check for updates often if you start to use them now as I'm sure over the next weeks before UDS it will be a moving target but I'll do my best to not have it in a broken state.<br>
<br>In fact to that end after I send this email I'm setting up the CI server to run tests after each commit to git so that the likely hood of breakage is lower ( Travis-CI )<br></b></font></font><span class="gD"><font><font face="georgia,serif"><b><br>
<a href="http://jujutools.github.com/">http://jujutools.github.com/</a></b></font></font></span><font><font face="georgia,serif"><b><br clear="all"></b></font></font><div><font face="georgia, serif"><b><br>Brandon Holtsclaw</b></font></div>
<div><font face="georgia, serif"><b>Voice: 1.816.974.6106</b></font></div><div><font face="georgia, serif"><b>Website: <a href="http://www.brandonholtsclaw.com/?from=email-signature" target="_blank">www.brandonholtsclaw.com</a></b></font></div>
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