EC2 availability zones and bundles

Tim Penhey tim.penhey at
Sun Jun 17 23:28:20 UTC 2018

I don't believe this is possible with bundles at the moment.

The only placement directives that is currently supported in bundles are:

I *think* that is it.


On 16/06/18 05:57, George Kraft wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Is there a way to assign units or machines to specific availability
> zones on EC2 when deploying from a bundle?
> I see there's a way to do it for standalone machines/units with either
> of the following:
> juju add-machine zone=us-east-1c
> juju deploy ubuntu --to zone=us-east-1c
> But I'm having trouble finding any way to do it in a bundle. For
> example, I can't use the above placement directive in a bundle:
> $ cat test.yaml
> services:
>   ubuntu:
>     charm: "cs:ubuntu"
>     num_units: 1
>     to:
>     - "zone=us-east-1c"
> $ juju deploy ./test.yaml
> ERROR cannot deploy bundle: the provided bundle has the following errors:
> invalid placement syntax "zone=us-east-1c"
> Anyone know if there's a way to do it?
> Thanks,
> George Kraft

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