Upcoming ntp charm update

Paul Gear paul.gear at canonical.com
Mon Nov 20 05:38:31 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to make those of you who use the ntp charm aware of a
significant update which will be arriving soon.  This should have
negligible impact on the vast majority of existing installations, but if
you use the auto_peers config option (which defaults to false, and has
been deprecated for some time), you'll need to take note.

I've written a post about the changes, which hopefully will be available
on insights.ubuntu.com soon, but in the meantime it's available on my
personal blog:

The updated charm is in the candidate channel at present
(https://jujucharms.com/ntp/22), and will be published to stable in the
near future unless we discover important bugs.  It is already in use on
various production OpenStack clouds.  If you have any questions,
comments, or testing feedback, feel free to let me know.

Paul Gear
Site Reliability Engineer
Canonical - Information Systems

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