Juju 2.3 beta3 is here!

Chris Lee chris.lee at canonical.com
Fri Nov 10 04:23:48 UTC 2017

A new development release of Juju is here, 2.3-beta3. This is primarily a
bug fix release which addresses issues carried over from beta2.

## New and Improved

* A new command "remove-saas", aliased to "remove-consumed-application", is
added to remove a SAAS entry from a consuming model.

* Support for the new Google Cloud asia-south1 (Mumbai) region.

* Lots of papercut fixes for command help and other user facing text.

## Fixes

For a list of all bugs fixed in this release, see

Some notable fixes include:

* The issue of not a machine's public address not always being available
when deploying a cross model scenario from a script has been addressed.
Feedback welcome to ensure this has been fix in all scenarios.

## How can I get it?

The best way to get your hands on this release of Juju is to install it as
a snap package (see https://snapcraft.io/ for more info on snaps).

        snap install juju --classic

Other packages are available for a variety of platforms. Please see the
online documentation at https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-install.
Those subscribed to a snap channel should be automatically upgraded. If
you’re using the ppa/homebrew, you should see an upgrade available.

## Feedback Appreciated!

We encourage everyone to let us know how you're using Juju. Send us a

message on Twitter using #jujucharms, join us at #juju on freenode, and

subscribe to the mailing list at juju at lists.ubuntu.com.

## More information
To learn more about juju please visit https://jujucharms.com.
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