snap conjure-up and lxd, present issues and future resolutions

Adam Stokes adam.stokes at
Tue May 9 21:19:50 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Before I get started I'd like to ask that you visit
provide your feedback there.

In the conjure-up world we span multiple substrates to install big
software. One of the most popular substrate is our Localhost(LXD) provider.
It is also one of the main source of bug reports we get due to LXD
configuration and installation issues. This is further complicated because
on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 you can have multiple LXD's running at the same time
via `apt install` or `snap install`.

A lot of our issues come in the form of the following:

* A user has previously setup LXD and then attempted to run conjure-up
against it. A problem we ran into here are with custom zfs storage options.

* Users who have previously installed the initial debian package of
conjure-up which setup some custom LXD bridges for use with our single
machine OpenStack deployments which leads to the next point.

* A user has upgraded from LXD 2.0.9 to the PPA version of 2.13 (at the
time of this writing) and has several bridges and  and the migration from
using `/etc/default/lxd-bridge` to managing that within LXD itself.

* A user installs conjure-up and can do all things LXD `lxc list;lxc launch
ubuntu:16.04 u1` but when it comes to juju it fails to connect to the
default `8443` port. One issue was where someone used `lxc-gui` to
configure their environment.

* A user enables ipv6 on LXD.

Now some of these items we can address in the LXD profiles themselves. This
is our current approach where conjure-up `spells` have the ability to
perform LXD profile edits prior to deployment of big software. For example,
mapping a custom default storage pool for use with conjure-up.

And in conjure-up we do some checking to validate a LXD environment:

* Install the latest LXD from snap store or PPA during conjure-up
installation to make sure we do have latest LXD.
* Use `lxc network` to create a custom network bridge for use with
OpenStack single machine.
* Verify that a `lxdbr0` default bridge exists.
* Verify that `ipv6` is not enabled.

Even with the above checks we still continuously hit issues revolving
around LXD. Additionally, conjure-up makes modifications to your existing
LXD environment that may or may not be acceptable to users who rely on LXD
for things outside of conjure-up. Even if these changes were reversable we
are unable to do that because `snapd` has no concept of uninstall hooks.

One solution we keep coming back to is to bundle LXD within conjure-up and
isolate this environment from the rest of the system. Some of the pros with
this is:

* We manage LXD and can control the known versions that will work with
Juju. At times there have been api changes on either side that may affect
the other.
* Any additions required for LXD to work with conjure-up can be done
outside of the users normal LXD installation. We realize we can't get away
with not making some modifications on the host system in order for us to
provide a ootb experience, but, this would at least isolate those changes.
* Any conjure-up snap upgrades we can verify that LXD is configured
properly and make better assumptions as to what conjure-up can expect when
doing Localhost(LXD) deployments.
* Repeatable and known good releases with our testing harness.

Cons being:

* Security
* More maintenance burden
* Upgrading existing deployments would mean we'd have to attempt to migrate
those over to the bundled LXD or socialize the fact that you would have to
redeploy. This would be a one-time thing.
* Containers would only be visible via `conjure-up.lxc`
* Probably a lot of other things..

Also, I think this problem would still surface regardless if we had
interfaces to LXD or snap dependency resolution.

I wanted to get this out there to get peoples feedback and any alternative
suggestions to solving this problem. The idea of packaging everything we
need inside a single snap is appealing, however, we are definitely open to
other avenues.
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