[Review Queue] giraph, dokuwiki, znc, kubernetes-master

Konstantinos Tsakalozos kos.tsakalozos at canonical.com
Fri Jan 13 16:04:27 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

Kevin, Pete, and me went through the queue.  Here is what we worked on:

Jan 12, 2017:  Konstantinos, Kevin, Pete




      Did initial code pass, but the charm submitted for review (https://
      jujucharms.com/u/panagiotisl/giraph/3) is not deployable. It looks
      like the author may have accidentally released the charm source
instead of
      the actual built charm.

      Requested rebuild / release for continued review.



      The author addressed many of the comments we had in the previous
      review cycle

      The amulet tests are passing now. We need the authors feedback on
      ports exposed.



      In this review round the tests are passing.

      There is a very similar issue as in the case of dokuwiki above. We
      are waiting for the author’s feedback on this.



      This charm integrates tightly with the rest of the Kubernetes charms
      to form a cluster. By itself it has no functionality, so it
would better be
      reviewed in the context of a bundle.

      There are a few lint errors that call for the author’s attention.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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