Juju GUI handling of empty config breaks promulgated charms

Pete Vander Giessen pete.vandergiessen at canonical.com
Thu Feb 23 16:13:42 UTC 2017

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 2:31 AM John Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> AFAICT we fixed this in Juju 1.15, but there are 2 places you can pass
> config. The old field uses the compatibility of "" means nil, the new field
> handles nil vs "" correctly. The Juju CLI should work correctly, it sounds
> like the GUI was missed to use the new field.
I think that it's a bit more complicated than that. The GUI (and tools like
libjuju that use the websocket api), deploy based on the "plan" that they
get back from the API. So my guess would be that the plan is using the old
values. Or that there's some additional parsing that needs to happen to the
plan, which isn't well documented. ... or that its very easy to call the
wrong interface in the websocket api. :-)

Regardless, doing what looks like the "right" thing against the websocket
api, given the plan that you get back from the api, with a bundle that has
blank config values seems to lead to crashes. It would be nice if that got
fixed on the Go side of things, rather than getting fixed via special logic
in every client that talks to the websocket api ...

~ PeteVG
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