Juju 2.1.0, and Conjure-up, are here!

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at canonical.com
Thu Feb 23 02:48:53 UTC 2017

A new release of Juju, 2.1.0, and Conjure-up, are here!

## What's new in 2.1.0

- Model migration
- Interactive `add-cloud`
- Networking changes
- Conjure-up
- LXD credential changes
- Changes to the GUI
- Instrumentation of Juju via Prometheus endpoints
- Improved OpenStack keystone v3 authentication
- New cloud-regions supported
- Additional improvements

### Model migration

Model migration allows you to easily move a live model from one
controller to another. The same configuration of machines, units and
their relationships will be replicated on a secondary controller, while
your applications continue uninterrupted.

Migration is a useful alternative to upgrading a controller in place,
and for moving models off a busy controller. When upgrading a
controller, you can bootstrap a new controller running a newer version
of Juju and then migrate each model across one at a time. This is safer
than upgrading a controller while it is running many applications.

Currently there are some restrictions:

  - The source and destination controllers need to be in the same cloud
  - The destination controller needs to be running on the same cloud
    substrate as the source controller.
  - Destination controllers on different regions or VPCs need direct
    connectivity to the source controller.
  - The version of Juju running on the destination controller needs to
    be the same or newer than the version on the source controller.
  - The controller model cannot be migrated.

To migrate a model on the current controller to a model on another
controller, you simply name the model as the first argument followed by
the target controller (a model with the same name cannot already exist
on the target controller):

    juju migrate <model-name> <target-controller-name>

This will initiate the migration with output similar to the following:

    Migration started with ID "d1924666-1b00-4805-89b5-5ed5a6744426:0"

You can monitor the migration progress from the output of the juju
status command run against the source model. The juju show-model command
also shows migration progress.

If the migration fails at any point, the model will be reactivated on
the original controller in the same state it was in before the migration
process was started. The duration of a migration will depend on the
complexity of the model, the resources it uses and the capabilities of
the hosted environment. Most migrations will take minutes, and even
large deployments are unlikely to take hours.

When complete, the model will no longer exist on the source controller,
and the model, all its applications, machines and units will be running
from the target controller.

Use `juju switch` to select the migrated model in the destination

    juju switch <target controller>:<model>
    juju status

There is more information on model migration in the Juju documentation
online at

### Interactive `add-cloud`

With previous versions of Juju, the `add-cloud` command would need to be
fed a specifically formatted YAML file if your cloud of choice wasn't
directly supported by Juju. You can still do this, but from version 2.1,
you can also step through a simple interactive process that will create
a working configuration for you.

Typing `juju add-cloud` starts the process and produces the following

    Cloud Types

    Select cloud type:

Simply answer the three or four questions for your new cloud and Juju
will do the rest. The next step is to add credentials for this new
cloud, which can be done with the similarly interactive command:

    juju add-credentials

Again, follow the prompts to add the requested information.

A more detailed walkthrough of the process is published in the online
Juju documentation here:

### Networking changes

A number of changes have been introduced to make the use of networks,
particularly networking of containers, more efficient and consistent in

Juju models networks using the primitive of "spaces". A space is made up
of one or more routable subnets with common ingress and egress rules.
The operator can model this topology in such a way that applications
have the required network connectivity without generating network IP
maps of overwhelming complexity that are not portable.

The default behaviour in Juju 2.0 was that all machines might host
containers and so all interfaces were bridged by default, even if a
container was never placed on the machine. If a container was placed on
the machine all of the network devices of that machine were made
available to each container. This led to issues where the operator
wanted a much cleaner model where the containers only had access to
networks that the model required. Starting from Juju 2.1 this will no
longer be true. Juju will only create the bridges which are necessary
for a container to operate in the model.

The changes in 2.1 require operators to be more specific about what
network space a charm should operate in (this is particularly relevant
to charms deployed to containers on Juju machines) when more than one
space is available on the machine. Defining what spaces the container is
required to operate in is is already supported by the '--bind' option of
the deploy command, which can be used to specify that of the charm
should operate within the same space, e.g.:

    juju deploy mysql --bind db-space

...or, you can specify which charm defined endpoints should end up in
specific spaces:

    juju deploy mysql --bind "db:db-space db-admin:admin-space default-space"

...which also includes a default option for any other interfaces not

These changes potentially impact on currently published bundles. Bundles
that might have assumed that a container has access to all of the same
spaces as the host machine will no longer deploy cleanly. They need to
be updated to be more specific about the bindings required. The above
deploy commands can be mirrored in bundle format like so:

       charm: "cs:mysql"
       num_units: 1
         “”: default-space
         db: db-space
         db-admin: admin-space

There is more information on binding to spaces in the online Juju

Defining spaces within Juju is covered in the documentation here:

Information on adding bindings to charm bundles is also documented online:

These changes and the rationale behind them were originally posted to
the juju-dev mailing list. If you require further background or have
questions or concerns, please add to the discussion on the mailing list.
The original post is here:

### Conjure-up

Conjure-up, the big-software deployment tool that leverages Juju, has
seen some major improvements in-line with Juju development. A new
`conjure-down` command can be used to easily teardown models, and
there's support for Canonical Kubernetes 1.5.2 and Kubernetes 1.5.2,
which can be deployed to the local LXD provider. Several 'big-data'
spells have been added - see them with `conjure-up bigdata`-  and
there’s a new 'Architect' button which allows editing machine placement,
including allocation to a MAAS machine.

For more details, take a look at the updated Conjure-up user guide:

### [juju] LXD credentials

Juju now support credentials to access controllers on remote LXD hosts.
If you are just bootstrapping and adding models on your laptop there is
no change in workflow, but there is a change if you want to add models
from another machine.

Users are now expected to have a "certificate" credential for creating
LXD models. If you are on the LXD host, bootstrap and add-model will
both auto-generate a credential as needed, assuming you have access to
the LXD Unix socket.

When working with remote users on different machines, LXD-hosted
controllers need to to manually import the certificate credential from
the host machine.

To do this, first run juju autoload-credentials on the LXD host. This
will generate output similar to the following:

    Looking for cloud and credential information locally...

    1. LXD credential "localhost" (new)
    Select a credential to save by number, or type Q to quit:

Select the LXD credential (1 in the above example) and you will be asked
for the name of a cloud to link to this credential. Enter "localhost" to
specify the local LXD deployment. When the prompt re-appears, type "q"
to quit. The new certificate credential will have been created.

To export this certificate credential to a file called
type the following:

    juju credentials localhost --format=yaml > localhost-credentials.yaml

The output file now needs to be moved to the machine and account that
requires access to the local LXD deployment. With this file on the
remote machine, the certificate credential can be imported with the
following command:

    juju add-credential localhost -f localhost-credentials.yaml

### [juju] Instrumentation of Juju via Prometheus endpoints

Starting with Juju 2.1 each Juju controller provides an HTTPS endpoint
to expose Prometheus metrics. To feed these metrics into Prometheus, you
must add a new scrape target to your already installed and running
Prometheus instance. For this use case, the only constraint on where
Prometheus is running is that Prometheus must be able to contact the
Juju controller's API server address/port.

A more detailed walkthrough of the process is published in the online
Juju documentation here:

### [juju] Changes to the GUI

The `juju gui` command has changed to improve the user experience. By
default this command now uses the old 'no-browser' behaviour (i.e. it
doesn't automatically open the URL in your default web browser) and also
displays the login credential. There is a new --hide-credential option
not to show the credential.

The --no-browser option is supported but deprecated (it is effectively a
no-op). To bring up a browser, use the --browser option. For example, to
output the URL and credential, run:

    juju gui

To print the Juju GUI URL only:

    juju gui --hide-credential

To open the Juju GUI in the default browser and show admin credential
used to log into it:

    juju gui --browser

Juju now supports the new model path based URLs; these replace the URLs
containing the model UUID. So if you know the owner and name of a model,
you can easily point a browser to the following location to access the
GUI for that model:


There is more information on using the built-in GUI in the online
documentation at:

### [juju] Improved Openstack keystone v3 authentication

Juju now supports authentication for project and domain scopes. The
following environment variables or ~/.novarc attributes are supported:

  domain name of the requested domain level authorisation scope
  domain name of the user
  domain name of the requested project level authorisation scope
  common domain name of the user and project

The Juju autoload-credentials command may be used to import credential
attributes from either environment variables or ~/.novarc into the Juju
credential store.

See the online Openstack documentation here:

### [juju] New cloud-regions supported

Juju supports two more Google region and six more Azure regions:
- google/us-west1
- google/asia-northeast1
- azure/canadacentral
- azure/canadaeast
- azure/uksouth
- azure/ukwest
- azure/westcentralus
- azure/westus2

### [juju] Additional improvements

- Manual cloud provisioning now supports CentOS machines
- Deployments to LXD containers on Xenial use the more performant
  directory backend https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1648513
- Constraints placed on KVM containers in bundles are honoured
- Juju SSH improvements for the Windows platform
- Memory usage improvements
- Openstack Provider has been updated to support Neutron networking apis
- New APIs for querying instance types and characteristics available on
- vSphere provider improvements
- Model config now supports an "extra-info" field for holding additional
- Stricter rules for validating charm metadata field names to conform to
  data storage requirements. Charm metadata fields can not contain dots
- Openstack Provider has been updated to support Neutron networking apis
- New APIs for querying instance types and characteristics available on

## Resolved Issues

- [Juju] KVM containers race with LXD containers and hooks Lp 1664437
- [Juju] juju2 eating CPU, units in error Lp 1635311
- [Juju] kill-controller removes machines from migrated model Lp 1648063
- [Juju] Memory/goroutine leaks Lp 1516669
- [Juju] memory leak when adding many applications Lp 1653558
- [Juju] lxd client raw response 'sync' is too noisy Lp 1656243
- [Conjure-up] headless conjure-up kubernetes-core fails, while GUI does
  work bug Gh 676
- [Conjure-up] conjure-up isn't properly handling a failed bootstrap
  bug Gh 641
- [Conjure-up] Conjure-up uses double the deployed hardware when
  deploying openstack-base and kubernetes-core bug maas 2.0
  test-track Gh 553

Check the milestones for a detailed breakdown of Juju and conjure-up
bugs corrected.


## How do I get it?

If you are running Ubuntu, you can get Juju from the juju stable ppa:

   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable; sudo apt-get update

   sudo apt-get install juju

Or install Juju from the snap store:

   snap install juju --beta --devmode

Install conjure-up from the snap store:

   snap install conjure-up --classic --candidate

If you are on Trusty, you'll need to run a few extra commands:

   sudo apt-get install snapd
   sudo groupadd lxd && sudo usermod -a -G lxd $USER
   sudo reboot

Now you can install snaps, including conjure-up, as normal:

   snap install conjure-up --classic --candidate

Windows, CentOS, and MacOS users can get a corresponding Juju
installer at:


## Feedback Appreciated!

We encourage everyone to let us know how you're using Juju. Send us a
message on Twitter using #jujucharms, join us at #juju on freenode, and
subscribe to the mailing list at juju at lists.ubuntu.com.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

More information about the Juju mailing list