Do states have namespace?

fengxia fxia1 at
Tue Apr 18 13:59:46 UTC 2017

Replying my own question:

charmhelpers.core.unitdata shows how states are stored -- 
"" is saved in a sqlite3 as a string. So if split 
states in multiple charms, I think it will still work if deploying these 
charms to the same unit because they will be registered in the same DB.

Can someone verify this?

On 04/18/2017 08:50 AM, fengxia wrote:
> I did a quick experiment:
> 1. Created two layers in one charm, each layer has a few states, 
> set_state() can trigger @when defined in other layers.
> 2. Use the same set of states, now splitting them in two charms => 
> @when don't trigger anymore.
> So does this mean states have a namespace by the charm it belongs?

Feng xia
Lenovo USA

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fxia1 at
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