How to add openstack cloud to juju 2.1.2-xenial

Ian Booth ian.booth at
Tue Apr 11 02:58:53 UTC 2017

On 11/04/17 07:11, Daniel Bidwell wrote:
> I need to add openstack as a cloud to juju 2.1.2-xenial.  I don't seem
> to find the right howto.  What authentication method do I use?  And
> where do I get the authentication string?  User name and password for
> dashboard user?

The authentication method to use is typically userpass. This will be one of the
choices if running juju add-cloud interactively. The authentication string can
typically be found by looking at your novarc file - it is the AUTH_URL value,
usually something like ""

Once the cloud itself has been added, you then need to add credential
information which can be done using juju add-credential. It will pick up that
userpass authentication has been previously specified and will prompt for things
like tenant name, domain name etc - these values depend on how the Openstack
instance itself has been set up, and whether keystone v3 authentication is being
used etc. Juju can attempt to guess the right credential values by running juju
autoload-credentials, assuming you have a ~/.novarc file or have the Openstack
client env vars set up. The novarc file usually contains the required values for
the various credential attributes.

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