Postgresql WAL-E Support

James Beedy jamesbeedy at
Mon Apr 10 22:22:15 UTC 2017


Just wondering what the extent of the WAL-E support for the postgresql
charm is, and what is the lifecycle here (if any)?

1) What can I expect to happen if I configure the wal-e options in the
postgresql charm?
2) Does WAL-E (if configured) automatically start sending my wal files to
s3, or is there a place where I must intervene with some manual ops to get
the process started?
3) Can I just set the wal-e configs and expect my database to base backup,
and have wal files start pushing to s3 automatically?
4) It seems WAL-E needs to have AWS_REGION set. Can we get support for this
config through the postgresql charm?

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