Controllers running out of disk space

Menno Smits menno.smits at
Mon Nov 21 23:26:45 UTC 2016

On 18 November 2016 at 05:07, Nate Finch <nate.finch at> wrote:

> Resources are also stored in mongo and can be unlimited in size (not much
> different than fat charms, except that at least they're only pulled down on
> demand).
> We should let admins configure their max log size... our defaults may not
> be what they like, but I bet that's not really the issue, since we cap them
> smallish (the logs stored in mongo are capped, right?)
> Do we still store all logs from all machines on the controller?  Are they
> capped?  That has been a problem in the past with large models.

​All logs for all agents for all models are stored in mongodb on the
controller. They are pruned every 5 minutes to limit the space used by
logs. Logs older than 3 days are always removed. The logs stored for all
models is limited to 4GB with logs being removed fairly so that logs for a
busy model don't cause logs for a quiet model to be prematurely removed.

The 3 day and 4GB limits are currently fixed but have been implemented in
such a way to allow them to become configuration options without too much

- Menno
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