Office Hours this Friday, 25 March

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Wed Mar 23 15:22:41 UTC 2016

It's time for another Juju Office Hours! Join the Juju Eco team (and
whoever else is around) for our monthly(ish) update of things
happening in the Juju community.

If you're interested in joining the hangout ping me on IRC or mail
ahead of time. Our office hours are audience driven so if you have any
questions about anything Juju related let us know and we'll cover it
for you:

This time we've chosen hours that tend to be more convenient for the
Americas, next meeting we'll alternate to something European-friendly.

Date: Friday, 25 March
Time: 1900 (7pm) UTC, 1500 (3pm) EST, 1200 (12pm) PST
Where: for the stream
Participate: #juju on freenode

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd. - The fastest way to model your service

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