Charmers application

David Ames david.ames at
Fri Mar 18 23:05:27 UTC 2016

Former ~charmer(s) formally requesting to come back into the fold.

In my IS days I was in ~charmers and did work around the charms IS uses 
the most: apache2, haproxy, nrpe-external-master, cassandra etc.

Now in the OpenStack Charmers team I get my hands dirty every day 
working with the OpenStack charms.

Here are some of the highlights of my work with OpenStack Charms:

  * Getting rabbitmq-server stabilized
    and dealing with simultaneous restarts
  * Added haproxy time out settings to the OpenStack API Charms
  * Implemented workload status in the core OpenStack Charms

Currently working on

  * Initial implementation of network spaces
  * DNS based HA for hacluster

Community engagement:

  * Worked with James Beedy on pain points in the charms
  * Worked with Nuage to land their charms in the charm store
  * Assist with OIL in on-boarding charm partners

Please consider my request to re-join ~charmers.

David Ames

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